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Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Liposuction In Beverly Hills Art Form - Abdominal Etching:

Abdominal etching as the name suggests while not your traditional art style is definitely a modern plastic surgery technique.

A lot of people argue that plastic surgery is an art form, albeit one with serious consequences if the art techniques particular to it are not appropriately followed. An abdominal etching procedure therefore has certain requirements that the liposuction plastic surgeon has to ascertain are fulfilled.

The nature of abdominal etching is such that it can work only on removing excess fat and skin. It cannot be used for tightening up muscles or removing them. In this, it is a typical liposuction surgery procedure.

Thus, one of the first requirements for this cosmetic surgery procedure is a liposuction or tummy tuck candidate that has localized deposits of fat in their abdominal area. Patients possessing excessive fat deposits are not recommended to undergo this procedure.

This liposuction procedure involves shaping grooves in the underlying fat layers so that once recovered, the patient’s stomach will have the ribbed appearance characteristic to washboard abs. Because of the detailed work warranted by the surgery, it is best you establish that your plastic surgeon is skilled and is a certified cosmetic surgeon.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California can help you out here. Get in touch with us and we’ll advice you further on abdominal etching liposuction.

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