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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A ‘Flab Jab’ Going To Replace Liposuction? Not Likely:

It just might get icky if you try to wriggle out of a flab jab – a basically soy-based injectable.

Touted as the next big-thing in plastic surgery for dissolving unwanted fat, this cosmetic treatment is being preached as an alternative to a liposuction surgery. Also called lipostabil and lipotherapy, Phosphatidycholine could have a dangerous effect on the patient who is using it instead of a liposuction procedure.

A study conducted by the Independent on Sunday found disturbing data about this treatment. Regardless of manufacturer warnings that the ingredient is not to be injected into fat, it is being applied in several cosmetic surgery clinics.

Quick-fixes tend to leave long-lasting effects on the user- many of them bad. This is generally the small print ignored by many plastic surgery patients who want to scrimp up on money and settle for a sub-standard job.

Get a liposuction procedure performed by a plastic surgeon that has his credentials right and is licensed to practice. Ask around. Check up. Make inquiries. After all it’s your body which is being entrusted into his hands.

Get further advice and help you can use for a liposuction in Beverly Hills at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

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