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Monday, February 25, 2008

Let Liposuction help you to get Rid of Saddlebags: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California

The unflattering terms "saddlebags" and "riding breeches" refer to hips, upper outer thighs and buttocks that are disproportionately large relative to the rest of the body.

In some instances a roll of fat forms at the junction between the upper thigh and buttock known as a "banana roll".

Saddlebags and banana rolls impart an image of maturity and inactivity, whereas slender thighs and smaller hips suggest youth and vitality.

As men and women pursue more idealized body proportions, they usually find that they cannot get rid of saddlebags with diet and exercise alone as they are largely determined by the genetic makeup.

The saddlebag liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure designed to remove fat deposits from the hip area with minimal, non-permanent scarring.

To carry out the saddle bags liposuction procedure, the plastic surgeon makes a few incisions in the skin to insert a small hollow tube called the cannula to suction out the fat.

It is of paramount importance to perform the liposuction procedure from a board certified plastic surgeon.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is a home to board certified plastic surgeons dedicated to give best outcomes to the liposuction surgery with personalized care and professional service.

Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for more information on the saddlebag liposuction procedure.

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