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Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Advantages of Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California

Liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the United States. Liposuction procedure is designed to remove the unwanted deposits of excess fats and streamline the body contour.

The ultrasonic liposuction is a relatively new plastic surgery procedure that is intended to get rid of unwanted fat from different parts of the body such as the waist, hips, chin and thighs.

The ultrasonic liposuction procedure is accomplished by inserting micro cannulas through small incisions made in the skin to remove the unwanted fats.

The ultrasonic assisted liposuction procedure leads to a reduced blood loss as compared to the standard liposuction procedure.

The use of ultrasonic assisted liposuction allows for a safer removal of large amounts of fats than the standard liposuction procedure.

The other advantages of the use of ultrasonic assisted liposuction method are less tissue damage and large volumes of fat removed.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is well equipped with advanced technology and the best medications to ensure the best outcome to the liposuction procedure.

For more information on the ultrasonic assisted liposuction, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.

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