Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure designed to remove excess fat in a safe and a gentle manner. Today, many men and women are taking advantage of the plastic surgery procedure to enhance their body contour.
Liposuction procedure is gaining huge popularity in the United States due to its safe and comfortable style to remove the unwanted fats from specific areas of the body such as hips, thighs, arms, stomach, neck, chin etc.
Liposuction is traditionally performed using the vacuum suction method. The evolutions of new technologies have led to the advent of improved liposuction techniques. The relatively new ‘power-assisted’ liposuction is one such technique that uses an energy source applied to the liposuction apparatus to create vibrations that enhance the efficiency of fat removal.
The ‘ultrasonic’ liposuction uses ultrasonic energy emitted by the liposuction apparatus to emulsify fat and enhance its removal.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California has state-of –art medical facilities and advanced technology to ensure the best outcome to the liposuction procedure. The board certified plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California provide personalized care and professional service to the liposuction patients.
For more information on liposuction, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
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Monday, March 31, 2008
Liposuction Gaining Popularity In The United States: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
Speedy Recovery For Stomach Liposuction Courtesy Compression Garments: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
Stomach liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure designed to attain a flat and a toned stomach by getting rid of the unwanted deposits of fats that are resistant to diet and exercise.
The most exciting thing about the plastic surgery procedure is that it not only makes the liposuction patient look great, but also gives long lasting results.A good quality post operative care is of utmost importance to achieve the desired outcome as well as to minimize the complications.
Following the stomach liposuction procedure, the plastic surgery patient should wear a compression garment. The compression garments are designed with a targeted compression technology which provides the stomach liposuction patients with the necessary support and compression to attain the desired results.
The use of the compression garment helps to speed up the recovery as well as to reduce the complications.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is dedicated to provide the stomach liposuction patients with the best medical care and professional service.
The board certified plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California provide comprehensive information concerning the post operative care measures to the stomach liposuction patients.
For more information on the stomach liposuction procedure, visit us at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
Liposuction Costs: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure designed to remove the unwanted fats from localized areas of the body. It is used to slim the hips, thighs, abdomen, and neck areas. It can also be used to contour the fat around the ankles and hips.
The most important factor to consider before opting for the liposuction procedure is the cost of the plastic surgery.The cost of liposuction procedure depends on several factors such as the number of areas treated, the type of area treated and the amount of fat to be removed from the areas, etc.
Usually, the liposuction cost per body area decreases if more than one body area is treated, since it is relatively easier and more efficient to treat one more area than it is to treat the first area.
The cost of the liposuction procedure also depends on the plastic surgeon’s skill, the type of the liposuction surgery and the complexity of the plastic surgery.
The prices are computed based on the plastic surgical fee, anesthesia fee and facility fee.It is essential to perform the liposuction procedure from a board certified plastic surgeon to have the best outcome to the plastic surgery.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is well equipped with latest technology and the best medications to ensure the highest standards of safety to the liposuction procedure.
For more information on the liposuction procedure, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
Post Surgery Care For Breast Augmentation : The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
After pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, women often find that their breasts have lost their youthful appearance. Breast augmentation is an ideal way to restore the youthful fullness of the breasts.
Breast implant surgery can enhance the size and shape of your breasts.After the breast augmentation surgery is performed, it is important to have a reasonable expectation regarding the outcome of the surgery. It is advisable to have someone drive the patient home after the breast augmentation surgery.
The intake of medicines containing aspirin and ibuprofen should be avoided for a month post breast augmentation surgery. The patient should stay away from the consumption of alcohol and also refrain from smoking. Instead the patient should drink lots of water and take plenty of rest.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we offer breast augmentation surgery as apart of the mommy makeover packages which help women to regain their youthful appearance post pregnancy.
For more information on post breast augmentation surgery care you can get in touch with any of our experienced plastic surgery consultants by clicking here.
Pre Liposuction Surgery Care: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
The good candidates for liposuction surgery are men and women who exercise regularly, eat low calorie food as well as have reasonable skin elasticity.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
The Advantages of Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
The ultrasonic liposuction is a relatively new plastic surgery procedure that is intended to get rid of unwanted fat from different parts of the body such as the waist, hips, chin and thighs.
The ultrasonic assisted liposuction procedure leads to a reduced blood loss as compared to the standard liposuction procedure.
The use of ultrasonic assisted liposuction allows for a safer removal of large amounts of fats than the standard liposuction procedure.
The other advantages of the use of ultrasonic assisted liposuction method are less tissue damage and large volumes of fat removed.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is well equipped with advanced technology and the best medications to ensure the best outcome to the liposuction procedure.
For more information on the ultrasonic assisted liposuction, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
Post Operative Hip Liposuction Care: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
Hips which have been enlarged from excess fat can be revisioned into much better proportion by liposuction of the hip area.
Liposuction provides an excellent opportunity to shape a specific area of the body with very little risk involved. Liposuction should not be utilized solely as a weight loss tool and is also not recommended for severely overweight individuals.
The post operative care for hip liposuction involves wearing a girdle for one-two weeks after the plastic surgery. The prospective liposuction patients should avoid the intake of medicines containing aspirin, ibuprofen and Vitamin E.
They should also refrain from smoking as well as the consumption of alcohol for at least two weeks after the hip liposuction surgery.
These post-operative measures help to expedite the healing process. Exercise can begin in a limited fashion after two weeks. Male liposuction patients can usually return to work in a few days to one week.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is a home to board certified plastic surgeons who treat the liposuction patients with compassion and empathy. Our plastic surgeons provide all the information to pre and post operative care for liposuction procedures.
For an expert advice and consultations from our plastic surgeons, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, by clicking here.
Compression Garments Help Have A Rapid Thigh Liposuction Recovery: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
The thigh liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure designed to remove or reduce the stubborn areas of fat accumulated in the thigh area that have not responded to diet and exercise.
As with all the surgery procedures, there is a possibility of certain risks and side effects associated with thigh liposuction procedure. Following the thigh liposuction procedure, there is a possibility of developing a large blood clot or pocket of fluid which can adversely affect the heart.
With the help of the post operative compression garments, the thigh liposuction patients can infrequent the occurrence of such complications.
The post operative compression garments are specially designed to apply external pressure to the surface of the skin, squeezing the body fluids back toward deeper tissues, reducing the edema in the affected areas.
The plastic surgical compression garments helps to have a quicker, safer and a comfortable recovery period.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, our board certified plastic surgeons are dedicated to provide the plastic surgery patients with complete information about the thigh liposuction procedure and ensure the highest standards of safety.
For an expert advice and consultations from our plastic surgeons, visit us at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
Friday, March 28, 2008
The Suitable Candidates For Hip Liposuction : The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
Liposuction, also known as lip sculpting is one of the top cosmetic surgery procedures performed. The liposuction procedure has become a viable alternative for men and women to contour those unsightly hips.
Hips which have been enlarged from excess fat can be revisioned into a better proportion by liposuction of the hip area. The hip liposuction procedure is not an alternative to exercise and diet or a weight loss tool.
The hip liposuction procedure is intended to remove the stubborn areas of fats that are resistant to any fitness regime.
Healthy men and women having realistic expectation about the outcome of the plastic surgery procedure are the best candidates for the hip liposuction procedure. The hip liposuction procedure is not recommended for severely overweight individuals.
The liposuction procedure provides an excellent opportunity to shape a specific area of the body with very little risk involved.
It is essential to perform the plastic surgery procedure from a board certified plastic surgeon to have the best outcome.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, our board certified plastic surgeons perform the hip liposuction procedure with personalized care and professional service.
For more information from our plastic surgeons, visit us at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Best Candidates For The Ultra sonic Assisted Liposuction: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure designed to remove small pockets of excess fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.
The liposuction procedure can help sculpt the body by removing unwanted fat from specific areas such as the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin, cheeks and neck.
The best candidates for ultrasonic liposuction method are individuals with excess amount of subcutaneous fat, resistant to diet and exercise. They should also be physically healthy and psychologically stable with realistic expectations
The men and women opting for the ultrasonic assisted liposuction procedure should have the plastic surgery procedure performed from a board certified plastic surgeon to achieve the desired results for the procedure.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is a home to board certified plastic surgeons expert in the field of liposuction surgery. The plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California are also dedicated to provide the best outcome to the liposuction procedure.
For an expert advice and consultations from the plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California , visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Post Operative Care for Back Liposuction: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
With age, fat tends to accumulate in areas of the back that are difficult to improve despite of a rigorous fitness routine. With the advent of plastic surgery procedures such as back liposuction, it is possible to get rid of stubborn fat and streamline the body contour.
The back liposuction procedure can be accomplished by different methods such as tumescent liposuction, ultrasound- assisted liposuction techniques etc.
The final result of the back liposuction procedure depends a lot on the post operative care measures followed by the back liposuction patients.
As a part of the post operative care measure the back liposuction patients should abstain from driving immediately after the plastic surgery. The back liposuction patients should regularly take the medications prescribed by the plastic surgeon.
The plastic surgery patient must start walking as soon as possible after the back liposuction procedure and avoid strenuous activity for a month.
The back liposuction patient should wear a compression garment to control the swelling and to speed up the recovery process.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, the board certified plastic surgeons provide comprehensive information about the post operative care measures to the back liposuction patients with personalized care.
For more information on the back liposuction procedure, visit us at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Liposuction For The People Above Forty Years Of Age : The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
Despite of following a rigorous diet and fitness regime, fat deposits in certain areas of the body remain unaffected.
Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure designed to remove stubborn deposits of fats from the neck, back, thighs, abdomen, etc in order to enhance the body contour of an individual.
Liposuction has become one of the most sought after plastic surgery procedures in the United States. The evolution of technology and research has made it possible to achieve the desired results for the liposuction procedure in the men and women above forty years of age.
According to the latest research, the tumescent liposuction method can be used as a safe alternative to contour the abdomen, neck and arms of the liposuction patients above forty years of age.
The tumescent liposuction procedure is accomplished by suctioning out the fats through a small cannula.
The new tumescent liposuction technique and the micro-cannulas allow for a more gradual, targeted treatment and a controlled removal of fat. This enables the liposuction surgeon to contour the area more effectively.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California has board certified plastic surgeons and advanced technology to ensure the best outcome to the liposuction procedure.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is also dedicated to provide the highest standards of safety to the plastic surgery procedures.
For an expert advice and consultations from our plastic surgeons, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Liposuction Of the Back : The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
With age, certain areas of the back tend to accumulate fat that is resistant to diet and fitness regime. Fat deposits in the back area can make a younger person look older and out of shape.
With the help of the plastic surgery procedure known as back liposuction, the areas of the back can be contoured to improve the profile.
Liposuction can be done at any age if the patient is in good health and has good skin elasticity.
The back liposuction procedure is accomplished either by tumescent liposuction or by ultrasonic assisted liposuction.
The liposuction method used for back liposuction depends on the type of back fat and the extent of the fat removal to be performed.
It is of paramount importance to perform the back liposuction procedure from a board certified plastic surgeon to attain the best results for the plastic surgery procedure.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California has board certified plastic surgeons expert in the field of liposuction. The plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California provide personalized care and professional service to the back liposuction patients
For more information on back liposuction, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Impact Of Medicines On Liposuction: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure intended to remove excess fat from the abdomen, neckline, love handles, hips, thighs and buttocks.
Liposuction is not an alternative to weight loss, but can be very effective in removing fat from areas that do not respond to diet and exercise programs.
Quality pre operative and post operative care is very important to get the best outcome to the liposuction procedure.
Following the plastic surgeons advice is crucial, especially regarding types of medications and dosage.
The intake of medicines such as aspirin and ibuprofen should be avoided two weeks prior to and after the liposuction surgery.
These medicines affect the blood pressure and the blood clotting ability of the body which in turn adversely affect the healing process and prolong the recovery period.
The board certified plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California provide liposuction patients with quality care and comprehensive information concerning the pre and post operative liposuction surgery care.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is also well equipped with latest technology and a pleasant environment to ensure the best outcomes to the liposuction procedures.
For further information on liposuction procedures, visit us at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Liposuction An Effective Way To Reduce Cellulite: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California.
Cellulite often forms in over ninety percent of the postnatal women and those who take birth control pills. Several factors contribute to the cellulite formation in the body such as poor diet, bad circulation, sluggish digestion, intake of toxins and fluid retention.
Cellulite can also develop after a traumatic injury, where the circulatory system has been disturbed.
The liposuction surgery is a boon for women who have repeatedly tried to remove the fat that has grown into localized pockets, with no tangible results.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is dedicated to providing advanced plastic surgical facilities and best medications for liposuction procedures.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Effects Of Consumption Of Alcohol On Liposuction: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
The ideal candidates for the liposuction procedure are physically healthy men and women having good skin elasticity and with realistic expectations.
The individuals opting for the plastic surgery procedure need to make some lifestyle adjustments in order to achieve the desired results for their liposuction procedure.
The potential liposuction patients must limit or avoid the consumption of alcohol prior to and after the liposuction procedure in order to have a rapid recovery period and to curtail the deleterious effects alcohol has on the healing process.
It is of paramount importance to perform the liposuction procedure from board certified plastic surgeons to ensure the best outcome for the plastic surgery procedures.
The board certified plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California provide comprehensive information concerning the pre and post operative care to the potential plastic surgery patients.
For further information on the liposuction procedures, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Liposuction Patients Should Stay Away From Sun Tanning: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
The best candidates for liposuction are physically healthy men and women with realistic expectations and having good skin elasticity. Liposuction surgery can tremendously boost the self confidence level and bring back the beautiful look.
To attain the best results for the liposuction procedure, the plastic surgery patients should avoid direct exposure to the sun or tanning booths for at least six months after the liposuction surgery.
Sun bathing or tanning at the salons can aggravate the post plastic surgery incision scars and makes them permanently dark.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California offers liposuction procedures with personalized care and professional service
The board certified plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California are experts in the field of liposuction surgery.
Our plastic surgeons provide comprehensive information about the pre and post operative care to the liposuction patients and also help them with the decision making process.
For more information on liposuction surgery care, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Smoking and Liposuction: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
Liposuction surgery can offer permanent results if the plastic surgery patient follows the proper pre and post operative care measures and refrains from smoking.
Cigarettes contain harmful ingredients such as nicotine and carbon monoxide. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor that reduces nutritional blood flow to the skin, resulting in tissue ischemia and impaired healing of injured tissue whereas carbon monoxide diminishes oxygen transport and metabolism.
These problems can destroy the results of liposuction surgery and lead to revision liposuction surgery.
It is advisable to quit smoking before and after the plastic surgery procedure.
The board certified plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California are well known to provide comprehensive information about the pre and post operative care measures needed to attain the best results for the liposuction procedures.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California also has the best medical facilities and a comfortable environment to ensure highest standards of safety to the liposuction procedures.
For an expert advice and consultations from our plastic surgeons, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Side Effects Associated With Liposuction: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
Liposuction can be accomplished either with the use of general anesthesia, or with heavy sedation, or totally by local anesthesia.
Liposuction is generally a safe plastic surgery procedure. The side effects are temporary effects of a successful plastic surgery procedure.
After the liposuction surgery, the plastic surgery patient may experience some post operative side effects such as a bruising and swelling.
There is also a possibility of the occurrence of post operative scars which will become finer after a few weeks.
Preventing complications should be the most important concern of both plastic surgery patients and the liposuction surgeons.
To reduce the risks and complications, it is essential to perform the liposuction procedure from a board certified plastic surgeon .
The plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California are board certified and experts in the field of liposuction procedures.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is well equipped with the latest plastic surgical facilities and the best medications to keep all the complications to the minimum level.
For an expert advice and consultations from our plastic surgeons, visit us at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Arm Lift Surgery: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California
The goal of the brachioplasty procedure is to remove the excess tissue and reduce the circumference of the upper arm.
The ideal candidates for the brachioplasty procedure are individuals in optimum health who have quit smoking at least six months prior to the plastic surgery.
The arm lift procedure is accomplished through zigzag, elliptical or triangular incisions along the inner surface of the arm on an outpatient basis.
The plastic surgery procedure takes about an hour per arm.The recovery period for the arm lift procedure is about two weeks.
The board certified plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California are committed to give the best outcome to the arm lift procedures.
For more information on the arm lift procedure, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.
An Introduction to Liposuction: Plastic Surgery Institute of California
The ideal candidates for the liposuction procedures are physically healthy men and women of average weight and who would like to remove small areas of fat which have not responded to exercise or diet.
Liposuction can be performed on any one area or all in the same day. Sometimes it is also performed in conjunction to other plastic surgery procedures such as a tummy tuck or face lift.
To get the desired results it is better to perform the liposuction procedures from a plastic surgeon who has been certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California has board certified plastic surgeons committed to the highest level of plastic surgery patient care and satisfaction.
For more information on liposuction procedures, visit us at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.